Kinetics FAQs

How do I contact someone if I need assistance?

Our preferred method of communication is email. Contact with questions.

You may call or visit during office hours, but the Registrar works remotely outside of designated office hours. We suggest sending an email to schedule a phone call or in-person meeting.

Office Hours: Mon, Tu, W, F 2:30-6:30pm

Phone: 410-480-1686

Our instructors do not handle billing or scheduling inquiries. Be sure to contact our Registrar at the address listed above.

What happens in the event of Inclement Weather?

Decision-Making Timelines for Studio Closures

  • Studio closure decisions for morning classes are made available by 7:00am.
  • Studio closure decisions for afternoon/evening classes are made available by 2:00pm. 

Studio Closure Notifications

  • If you are registered for a class that is impacted by a studio closure, this decision will be communicated via email. 
  • Communications are sent to the email address(es) listed on your Studio Director account. Please login to your Studio Director account to ensure a current email address is on file and you haven’t opted out of email correspondence. 
  • Studio closure decisions are also posted to the homepage of the website.

Make-Up Class Option

  • You can schedule a make-up class in any level/age-appropriate Kinetics class if a class is missed due to inclement weather. 
What if I need to drop a class? Will I get a refund?

Enrollment is flexible and refunds are available with written notice of a withdrawal. No withdrawals or refunds are available after February 1st. This is also the last day to join a class.

What if I miss a class? Can I try a class?
  • In-person make-ups and drop-ins are allowed as long as there is space available in the desired class.
  • Students who are enrolled may make up a missed class by taking another class in any genre in the appropriate level.
  • All make-ups and drop-ins must be scheduled in advance via Studio Director.
Spring Showcase: What is it and who performs?

The Spring Showcase is a year-end performance that presents the accomplishments and hard work students have put forth throughout the school year. 

Most Kinetics classes perform in the Spring Showcase. The following following classes do not perform: Fitness, Adult, Supplemental, Howard County Recreation & Parks. 

Is performing in the Spring Showcase mandatory?

It is not mandatory for your student to perform in the Spring Showcase. However, a large portion of showcase preparations occur in class from February – May. If your student opts out of Spring Showcase participation they will still be included in all aspects of class instruction, including learning showcase choreography. Our instructors will do their best to differentiate instruction between performing and non-performing students. 

Please email by Feb. 1st if your student is not participating in the Spring Showcase performance. Relaying this information to your student’s instructor will not be considered proper notification; we strive to relieve our instructors of as many administrative duties as possible.